What exactly is the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School of Taoism?

I am a Taoist priest in Longhu Mountain. Having cultivated Taoism for several decades, today I will talk to you about the profound mysteries of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School and the extraordinary significance of the Taoist ancestral court.

longhu mountain

The doctrine of the Zheng Yi School has a profound core.
First, respect for Tao and value of virtue. Tao is the origin and master of all things in the universe, transcending the tangible and intangible, and containing endless wisdom and power. Virtue is the practice and manifestation of Tao. We should discipline ourselves with moral norms, copyright virtues such as kindness, tolerance, and humility, integrate words and deeds, and carry forward the spirit of Tao. In daily life, treat others with kindness, be generous and tolerant, and be humble in dealing with the world, and strive to approach the supreme "Tao".

Second, dual cultivation of life and nature. The Zheng Yi School pays attention to this way. It not only cultivates the body but also enhances the mind. For physical cultivation, one can use qigong, tai chi, etc. to regulate the body and mind and seek health and longevity. For spiritual cultivation, one can purify the mind and enhance the spiritual realm through chanting scriptures and meditation. Dual cultivation of life and nature aims to achieve the harmonious unity of body and mind and find balance and satisfaction in both the material and spiritual worlds.

Zhang Tianshi

Third, saving the world and helping people. Our school adheres to this spirit. Taoists should not only focus on self-cultivation but also actively help others and contribute to society. Praying and holding fasting rituals to pray for the safety and happiness of all living beings; engaging in charitable activities and participating in public welfare undertakings, caring for vulnerable groups, and transmitting positive energy. This is the spiritual manifestation of saving the world and helping people, and it is also the practice of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School in reality.

Speaking of the Taoist ancestral court, it is indeed the birthplace and spiritual symbol of the Zheng Yi School and is of crucial importance to the inheritance of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School. In terms of historical inheritance, the ancestral court has witnessed the rise, development, and inheritance of the Zheng Yi School through thousands of years of vicissitudes. Since Zhang Daoling founded the Zheng Yi School in Longhu Mountain, generations of Celestial Masters have inherited the Taoist orthodoxy and promoted Taoist methods in the ancestral court, enabling the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School to continue to develop. The ancestral court is a place of pilgrimage for believers and also a center for the dissemination of Taoist culture. Many classic works, interpretations of doctrines, and cultivation methods all originate from here, laying a solid foundation for the inheritance of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School.

In terms of cultural inheritance, the ancestral court carries rich connotations of Taoist culture. Architecture, art, music, literature, etc. are all external manifestations and carriers of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School. The architectural style of the ancestral court is unique, with a strong mysterious religious atmosphere, reflecting our awe and pursuit of "Tao". Taoist music is melodious and pleasant, which can soothe the mind and purify the soul. Taoist literary works are rich and colorful, containing profound life philosophies and cultivation wisdom.

In terms of spiritual inheritance, the spiritual value represented by the ancestral court is the core of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School. Firm belief in "Tao", persistent pursuit of cultivation, and compassionate care for all living beings are all in it. We believers worship the ancestral court and participate in religious activities in the ancestral court, feel and inherit this spiritual value, and integrate it into daily life and cultivation practice.

The doctrine of the Zheng Yi School has extraordinary value in modern society. First, it provides spiritual comfort. In today's fast-paced and high-pressure society, people often face spiritual distress and psychological pressure. The concepts advocated by the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School, such as respecting Tao and valuing virtue and dual cultivation of life and nature, can provide spiritual comfort for people, help them relieve stress, and find inner peace and balance.


Second, moral leadership. The doctrine of the Zheng Yi School emphasizes moral cultivation and saving the world and helping people, and has a positive leading role in the moral construction of modern society. Today, people need to establish correct values and moral concepts. The virtues advocated by the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School, such as kindness, tolerance, and humility, can provide moral examples for people and promote the harmonious development of society.

Third, cultural inheritance. The Zheng Yi School is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, and its doctrine contains rich cultural connotations. Inheriting and promoting the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School can promote the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture and enhance national cultural confidence.

In short, the profound connotations, rich inheritance, and important value and significance of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School play a decisive role in the development process of Taoism. The Taoist ancestral court is the source and foundation of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School and provides a solid guarantee for its inheritance and development. In modern society, we should attach importance to the value and significance of the doctrine of the Zheng Yi School, inherit and promote it, and contribute to human happiness and social progress.

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